Art. 1 Name
The "Cadillac Club of Switzerland" (CCS) exists as an association within the definition of the Swiss code of civil law, art. 60 etc.
Art. 2 Domicile
The domicile of the club is the current president's place of residence.
Art. 3 Purpose and aims
- Preservation and restoration of all Cadillac and LaSalle modelsArt. 4 Duration
The club exists since October 20th, 1984, and will continue indefinitely.
Art. 5 Conditions of membership
Members can be individuals, legal entities or corporate bodies, but also any organisation without a legal basis.
The following categories exist:
- Active (Cadillac or LaSalle vehicle owners)
- Non-active/benefactor (enthusiasts of the Cadillac and LaSalle makes)
- Honorary member (members who have rendered outstanding services on behalf of the CCS and have been elected as an honorary member by the general meeting, following nomination by the committee or a member).
Members may not belong to any organisation whose activities run counter to the aims of the CCS.
Art. 6 Commencement of membership
An application for membership must be made in writing to the CCS president.
Membership commences with the provisional approval by the committee and payment of the one-off admission fee and membership fee. Definite membership commences with the approval by the general meeting.
An applicant who has been rejected can appeal against the decision by the committee and/or general meeting at the next general meeting, where a final decision will be made.
Art. 7 Termination of membership
Membership ceases upon the resignation, expulsion or death of a member.
Resignation is permitted, without any set period of notice, to take effect at the end of any calendar year. Resignation must be must be made in writing to the CCS president.
The general meeting decides on expulsion at the request of the committee. Particular reasons for expulsion are non-payment of the membership fee and bringing the club into disrepute. Expulsion can take place without giving any reasons.
Members who have resigned or have been expelled have no claim to club assets (Swiss code of civil law, art. 73).
Art. 8 Rights of members
8.1. Active and honorary members are entitled to take part in the general meeting, stand for election to committee posts and have 1 vote. If they are unable to attend personally, they may deliver their written vote to the president within the period specified in article 12, or appoint another club member as a proxy to vote on their behalf at the general meeting.
8.2 Non-active members/benefactors can participate in the general meeting, but are not entitled to vote.
Art. 9 Obligations of members
Active members are obliged to pay a one-off admission fee and an annually recurring membership fee. Apart from this, members are not liable for the debts of the club.
Honorary members do not have to pay the annual membership fee.
By joining the club, the member accepts the rules of the CCS, of which s/he receives one copy.
Art. 10. Bodies
The bodies of the club are the general meeting, the committee and two auditors.
Art. 11 General meeting
The general meeting is the supreme body of the club. It decides on all matters which are not assigned to other bodies in the rules, in particular on:
- setting the membership feesThe general meeting decides in the first round of voting by an absolute majority and in the second round by a simple majority of all votes cast.
Resolutions are normally passed by an absolute majority of all votes cast. The general meeting constitutes a quorum in accordance with art. 42 of the Swiss law of associations.
Resolutions and votes are normally conducted by a show of hands. Any member is entitled to demand a secret ballot.
Art. 12 Convening the general meeting
The general meeting is convened by a member of the committee, an auditor or one fifth of all club members. It is held at least once annually at the beginning of the year.
Members receive a written invitation with the agenda one month before the date of the meeting. They are entitled to propose amendments to the agenda of the meeting. These must be made in writing to the president and must reach him at least 10 days before the meeting.
Art. 13 Committee
The committee comprises 5 members (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and one additional member). Committee members are elected to serve for 2 years and can be re-elected without restriction. The committee is convened by the president as often as required. The committee chairman is the president, or in his absence, the vice-president.
The committee runs the ongoing business of the club and represents it externally. It constitutes a quorum when at least 4 of its members are present. All resolutions must be approved by a majority of those committee members present. The president has the casting vote.
Committee resolutions must be recorded in the minutes which are available to members on request. Committee resolutions can only be contested by the general meeting.
The committee receives expenses in accordance with separate rules.
The committee is entitled to make independent decisions on exceptional purchases not covered by the budget, up to a maximum amount of SFr. 3,000.- per year.
Art. 14 Auditors
The auditors are elected to serve for 2 years and can be re-elected without restriction.
They check the club accounts, submit a written auditors' report to the general meeting and propose the approval or rejection of the accounts. At least one of the two auditors should attend the general meeting in person.
They cannot be members of the committee.
Art: 15 Accounting year
The accounting year is equivalent to the calendar year.
Art: 16 Amendments to the rules
These rules have been totally revised and were approved by the general meeting on January 31st 1999. They replace all previous rules.
Art. 17 Dissolution and liquidation
Dissolution of the CCS can only be approved by a general meeting at which at least 2/3 of all members entitled to vote are present. A resolution of dissolution requires approval by a 2/3 majority of those present.
This dissolution meeting decides on the use of any available assets.
Arion M. Scheifele | Wolfgang Burri |
President | Secretary |
Lupsingen, 16/2/98