Policy for the placement of advertisements

You want to present your company or your services?
Here you can place a banner or advertisement text.

Send your text oder banner-graphics (jpg) to postmaster@cadillacclub.ch


Persons looking at these pages are interested in Cadillacs and La Salles, and are also car enthusiasts, especially for american cars and oldtimers. However, there are no restrictions to the content of your advertisement. The CCS reserves the right to accept or reject ads and to decide on their placement without having to give reasons.

Publishing period: 12 months (except first entry of members, see below). Other periods on request.

Rates:  (Swiss Francs. Rates in Euro according to current exchange rates)

Text only, four lines (60 characters per line, 10pt, incl. blank spaces), incl. hyperlinks, one line optionally with larger font (12pt) (max. 35 characters)

Members: one entry free for the duration of membership. Additional entries same as non-members.
Non-members: CHF 25.- 

Banner, 400x70 pixels (jpg, gif, animated gif, others: ask):

Members: CHF 46.- 
Non-members CHF 69.- 

Changes during the publishing period: 50% of the rate


You will receive a confirmation and an invoice by e-mail. (No credit cards, preferred mode is electronic bank transfer).
The advertisement will be published only after the amount due is received.



Your Banner may have a link, e.g. to your web site

**Diese Zeile hat 60 Zeichen. Diese Zeile hat 60 Zeichen.***
Zinkdruckguss in unerreichter Detailgenauigkeit

Policy for the placement of classifieds

You want to sell or buy a Cadillac or LaSalle? You need some replacement parts for your Cadillac or LaSalle? You have Cadillac or LaSalle parts for sale?
Here you can place your classified advertisement.

Send your text and picture (jpg) to postmaster@cadillacclub.ch


Ads may be only for Cadillacs or LaSalles, for parts and accessories  pertaining to or interchangeable to Cadillacs und LaSalles, and literature and memorabilia concerning the brands Cadillac or LaSalle. Ads with differing content (e.g. general services, commodities etc.) will not be accepted. The CCS reserves the right to determine which content conforms to these rules, and to accept or reject ads without having to give reasons.

Apart from proper contact information, the ad must include the name of the advertiser.

Characters in the first line up to the first period will be formatted bold unless indicated otherwise.

Publishing period: two months or multiples thereof

Rates: (Swiss Francs. Rates in Euro according to current exchange rates)

Text-only, maximum 400 characters (incl. blanks):

the first four months are free (two ads for two months or one ad for four months)
additional two months: CHF 20.- 

two months per ad: CHF 30.-


Per picture: CHF 20.-  (Members and Non-Members)
Published size: height max. 5 lines, text appears on the right hand side.
Format: jpg


You will receive a confirmation and an invoice by e-mail. (No credit cards, preferred mode is electronic bank transfer).
The advertisement will be published only after the amount due is received.



1944 Cadillac Serie 82. Einmalige Gelegenheit, Seltenheit! Dieses Fahrzeug wurde nie hergestellt und hat daher garantiert 0 km auf dem Kilometerzähler. Polster Stoff hellgrün, wie neu. Lack blau, original, muss aufpoliert werden. Gepflegtes Fahrzeug mit Servicenachweisen und Original-Literatur. Fr. 25'000.- Hans Muster, Tel. +41 928 1234, hamu@muwin.com. (Dies sind 400 Zeichen, inkl. Leerschläge). /100225/

Bild_Inserat_Beispiel.jpg (29029 Byte) Differential, Cadillac 1956. Ohne Gehäuse und Hinterachse (nicht mehr vorhanden). Aus Abbruchauto, wenige km. Keine fehlende oder abgeschliffene Zähne, guter Zustand (nur Flugrost). Muss abgeholt werden, da ca. 40kg schwer. Fr. 1425.- Peter Beispielhaft, Driveweg 27, 23456 Musterhausen. Tel. +49 987 65432. peter-beispiel@pebemuwin.com (Dies sind ca. 390 Zeichen, inkl. Leerschläge). /100225/