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 de | en  Wayne Cherry, Vice President of Design for General Motors, introduces the Cadillac Imaj at the Museum of Modern Art in Geneva, Switzerland 2/28. The Imaj is the 10th and final concept car unveiled since the Los Angeles Auto show. Imaj changes the traditional untra-luxury formula of heavy, long and consumptive to agile, useful and approachable, Cherry said.

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2000_Imaj_Concept_ImajConceptAtGeneva.jpg - [de]Wayne Cherry, Vizepräsident Design von GM, präsentiert den Cadillac Imaj am 28. Februar im Museum of Modern Art in Genf. Der Imaj ist das 10. und letzte Konzept seit der Los Angeles Auto Show. Cherry sagte, der Imaj setze auf Beweglichkeit, Nützlichkeit und Vernunft anstelle der traditionellen Formel für Ultra-Luxus, schwer, lang und verbrauchsintensiv[en]Wayne Cherry, Vice President of Design for General Motors, introduces the Cadillac Imaj at the Museum of Modern Art in Geneva, Switzerland 2/28. The Imaj is the 10th and final concept car unveiled since the Los Angeles Auto show. Imaj changes the traditional untra-luxury formula of heavy, long and consumptive to agile, useful and approachable, Cherry said.

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